Laptop Setup
Table of Contents
Tools I use daily
- Raycast: improved spotlight search for mac, with many plugins
- Rectangle: Mac window manager (Raycast also has this functionality)
- Obsidian: For Managing my notes
- Lunar: Controlling Monitor without using Buttons
- iTerm2: Terminal Emulator (has native tmux support)
My dotfiles are available on github
Things I find myself using frequently
pbcopy, pbpaste
- interact with system clipboard- Copy the contents from a file on a remote server:
ssh notedwin@ "cat /etc/rsyslog.conf" | pbcopy
- You can use Touch ID to authenticate
on macOS. Check out this Stack Exchange post for more details. - How to add vscode to path environment variables so you can open a folder in vscode using code . in the terminal Add vscode to Path
- Commit only part of a file's changes in Git - Stack Overflow
I started using Atuin to manage shell history between multiple devices
atuin setup to have shell history across devices:
atuin setup docker image and database
change /Users/edwinzamudio/.config/atuin/config.toml to self hosted server
atuin register -u notedwin -e
bash <(curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf
atuin register -u <USERNAME> -e <EMAIL> or atuin login
atuin import auto
atuin sync
echo 'eval "$(atuin init zsh)"' >> ~/.zshrc
# importing history from files
atuin import auto